admin – 1800 Garage Doorshttps://1800garagedoors.comFri, 22 Jan 2021 10:56:13 +0000en-UShourly1 – 1800 Garage Doorshttps://1800garagedoors.com3232 Garage Door Child Safety Tips, 22 Dec 2020 09:47:20 +0000 Inspect Your Garage Door Frequently If you think there’s nothing wrong with your door and it’s running smoothly, you shouldn’t relax. Periodic garage door inspections can help identify malfunctions very quickly, even before a broken garage door hurts someone. Inspect the Reversing Mechanism This is an essential safety feature for a garage door that’s […]

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Inspect Your Garage Door Frequently

If you think there’s nothing wrong with your door and it’s running smoothly, you shouldn’t relax. Periodic garage door inspections can help identify malfunctions very quickly, even before a broken garage door hurts someone.

Inspect the Reversing Mechanism

This is an essential safety feature for a garage door that’s worth looking into if you don’t have one. It opens the garage door if something gets in its way when you close it. It’s worth checking this mechanism to see if there’s a problem.

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How to Cool a Garage, 06 Nov 2020 05:27:58 +0000 problem of how to keep garage cool in the summer heat is especially important for those who have to work in it all the time. In case your garage has no windows, this task can be challenging to perform, and you will need additional devices in the form of air conditioning. Alternative Garage Cooling […]

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The problem of how to keep garage cool in the summer heat is especially important for those who have to work in it all the time. In case your garage has no windows, this task can be challenging to perform, and you will need additional devices in the form of air conditioning.

How to Cool a Garage

Alternative Garage Cooling

The easiest and most reliable way to cool the room would be to install a garage air conditioner, but not everyone can afford this option. Some consider an air conditioner’s purchase to be an unjustified luxury, while others are concerned about the overrun of electricity. In any case, it is worth exploring all the alternatives to keep garage cool in summer.

Garage doors and windowsThe easiest way is to keep the garage doors and windows open. There will be a constant circulation of air, which, in addition to reducing the temperature, will also help to reduce humidity in the garage, remove unpleasant odours, but the disadvantage of this method in its security: at night it is necessary to close the windows and doors, to avoid unpleasant consequences.
Park the car cooled downA car that has been warmed up all day in the sun, in an enclosed space, will behave like a sufficiently large and powerful radiator, heating the air and things around it. Let it cool in the shade, or pour a bucket of cold water on the roof of the car to reduce the temperature of the car at least a little.
DehumidifierAt first glance, it may seem that the dehumidifier is not the solution at all, but it is not. Higher humidity in a garage can increase the temperature, and it will seem that the temperature is higher than it actually is. Plus, a dehumidifier helps control the microclimate of a garage and keep it in good condition if it stores some valuables and things sensitive to rust and mould and other effects of high humidity. In fact, the dehumidifier does nothing with the air temperature; it does not blow out the room, but removing excess moisture, will help solve many problems in the garage. You can easily combine the dehumidifier with any kind of air conditioner if one dehumidifier is not enough for you.
Special curtainsOne of the main sources of garage heating is the sun. The sun rays enter the garage through the windows, and the lack of air circulation causes the temperature to rise. Special reflective curtains will help prevent the sun rays from entering the garage. They are available in different sizes, textures, colours and patterns; you can choose those that match your personal style.
Color of garage door and roofDark colours absorb heat, light or white roof and door will reflect the sun’s rays and keep your garage cool.

Garage Air Conditioners and Garage Vents

If you are looking for a permanent solution to cool a garage without windows and maintenance its microclimate, it is better to install the appropriate equipment.

Garage Vent Installation

There are two main types of garage vents:

  • Sideways: it is better to install two or more pieces to get the maximum effect.
  • Ceiling: the vent, which is attached to the ceiling, has large and powerful blades. It is usually installed in a single copy. It is more expensive than the side ones.

In this case, the best way to cool a garage is to choose an industrial vent and refuse from the household because the garage area is usually not small, and the industrial vent will allow you to reach a comfortable temperature in the shortest possible time.

Garage Air Conditioner

Attic Ventilation Openings Installation

Warm air has the property of going up, which is why installing attic ventilation holes can be a cooling solution for your garage. Install the ventilation holes at the front ends of the house, thus creating a flow of air that will help you ventilate and cool your garage.

Garage Air Conditioner Installation

The most expensive option, but also the most effective, is the installation of air conditioning. There are many air conditioners, the variety of which depends on the budget, speed of operation, method of installation, additional functions, etc. They are durable and durable in use and are usually fixed to the ceiling and ventilated from the outside. Such units help to reduce the temperature to the necessary; as a rule, they have a temperature adjustment, which is very important.

The disadvantage of this option is that it requires a professional installation if you have no electrical engineering experience.


To have a garage where you can equip a mastership, a recreation area, and a storage room, but not to forget the original foundation – the storage of your vehicle – is a great investment. How to ensure the necessary microclimate in the garage is an individual decision of each homeowner, but do not forget that only professionals can make a quality, long-term, and problem-free installation of all necessary devices for cooling your garage you decide to do so.

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How to Choose Garage Air Conditioner, 06 Nov 2020 02:23:38 +0000 air conditioning is a system that maintains a pleasant environment both in the summer heat and in the off-season, as such systems work for heating. Such a unit should be multifunctional and with the ability to regulate the temperature itself, because the garage is a place where not only the car is standing, but […]

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Garage air conditioning is a system that maintains a pleasant environment both in the summer heat and in the off-season, as such systems work for heating. Such a unit should be multifunctional and with the ability to regulate the temperature itself, because the garage is a place where not only the car is standing, but also stored various items such as paint, collectibles and metal tools, which are recommended to store at fairly low temperatures. Depending on where you live, the temperature in your garage may change with a large amplitude and reach undesirable values.

Garage Air Conditioner

Installation of Air Conditioner for Garage Heating

Garage heating is an eternal issue on the agenda with the onset of cold weather in the car owners. Those of them, who really care about their cars, consider garage heating an issue of paramount importance. The arguments are simple: the plus temperature in the place where the car is stored allows it to dry well after trips in slush, rain and snow, and more importantly – create a safe environment for the first start of the engine. In a heated garage you will immediately get into the warm interior of the car, you can start the engine and immediately leave without wasting time on heating.

There are many different options for heating your garage. Each option finds its supporters due to cost, efficiency and operating costs. Garage heating is often performed with the help of solid fuel boilers, gas heating systems (with convectors), water heating, electricity, etc.

Air Conditioner in Garage

There are many examples where garage heating is performed with the help of simple domestic electric heaters and even warm floors. What about the air conditioner? Can I install an air conditioner in my garage for heating? Will the wall split system be able to heat the garage well enough?

Air conditionerThe air conditioner is far from being the cheapest option for garage heating.
The air conditioner is not structurally adapted for space heating in severe frost. Most models on the market are not suitable for use at minus 10, not to mention minus 20 degrees Celsius.
At the same time, residents of regions with a mild climate, where minus 10 is already a severe frost, can definitely think about heating the garage with the air conditioner.
Split-systemA split-system allows you to fine-tune the temperature of heating with an accuracy of one degree. In combination with the garage space’s high-quality thermal insulation, it allows you to hope for acceptable heating costs. It is easy to set the shutdown timer or on-off timer in the split-system, which allows you to minimize costs. The air conditioner has no special requirements for electrical wiring, can be easily “mothballed,” and, in general, does not impose on the owner special care during operation in the garage.

Air Conditioner for Garage Cooling

If you have encountered that in your garage, often the temperature in warm weather becomes much higher than desired, it is worth thinking about cooling the garage. There are several basic types of garage cooling systems.

  • Window air conditioners: the principle of operation of such a device is straightforward: in fact, these are the louvres, which are installed on the garage windows, and allow you to direct the flow of cold air into certain areas of your garage. The temperature drops quite quickly.
  • Portable air conditioners
  • Miniature split air conditioners: an efficient system, but more expensive than all other options, so if you do not spend a lot of time in the garage, the machine of such a system may not be appropriate for you.
  • Dehumidifiers: at first glance, it may seem that this is not a solution at all, but it is not. Very often, it may seem that it is boiling in a garage, although, in fact, it is the high humidity. And a dehumidifier may be the solution.

The ideal solution for you will depend on your budget, needs, temperature and humidity in your garage, as well as the size of your garage. In any case, it is better to contact a specialist on this issue, who will be able to say exactly which system will suit you better, correctly install it and give you a guarantee.

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How To Fix Garage Door Sensor, 16 Oct 2020 05:55:49 +0000 are an important function of the safety and durability of automatic garage doors, but they can also interfere with their normal operation. Garage door sensors are a device that prevents garage doors from closing if something interferes with their closing.  It is extremely important to understand that garage door sensors play a crucial role […]

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Sensors are an important function of the safety and durability of automatic garage doors, but they can also interfere with their normal operation. Garage door sensors are a device that prevents garage doors from closing if something interferes with their closing. 

It is extremely important to understand that garage door sensors play a crucial role in increasing functionality. Their purpose is to stop a garage door from closing if there is an obstacle underneath. Sensors reduce the risk of injury and damage to your car and other objects found on the way to the garage door.

How To Fix Garage Door Sensor

Main Problems With Garage Door Sensors

The main indicator that something has happened to the sensor is that it is not working properly. If the door does not open or close or does not do so every time you need it. This can lead to serious injuries in the future, which is why this problem is similar to an iceberg – the consequences of a sensor failure are more serious than they appear at first sight.

The most common indicators are that the garage door sensor is not all right:

  • Sensor path
  • Sensor power
  • Sensor lenses
  • Sensory moisture
  • Sensor alignment
  • Sensor age

One of the easiest ways to check the sensor is to use several cardboard boxes. You should take several cardboard boxes and place them under the open garage door to check if the garage door sensors are working correctly. Since the sensors are about 6 inches from the ground, take the boxes higher. Try closing the garage door.

Garage Door Sensor

If the sensors are functioning properly, the boxes should interrupt the light beam between them, and the door remains open. Either the doors will start closing, but then they will open without touching the boxes. If the sensors are not working properly, the door will close completely or open again after closing, damaging the boxes.

Fixing Problems With Garage Door Sensors

Depending on the problem, the repair of the sensor will be different in nature, in some cases, you will need professional help.

Interference in the Sensor Path

This is one of the easiest options to fix very quickly, just remove the obstacle from the sensor beam. Also, wash the floor well to remove all sorts of small objects that the Sensor perceives as an obstacle.

Incorrect Sensor Power

This can happen due to a power outage that caused a malfunction or poor wiring, and sometimes the sun creates problems with the sensors. If the sun rays fall at a certain angle on one of the sensors, they will interfere with the light beam and cause problems. 

If it is a matter of wiring, then it is worth checking all the wiring that powers the sensor, but it is worth doing it with special equipment so as not to hurt yourself. If you do not have the skills of an electrician, it is worthwhile to contact a professional.

Dirty Sensor Lenses

If you live in a busy street and the garage door is often open, dust and dirt will accumulate on the sensor lenses daily. Since they are the size of a pea, they easily get dirty over time and stop sending the signal needed to close the door. Use a soft microfiber cloth to remove all dirt from the lenses, but be extremely careful not to scratch them. Make sure that everything is thoroughly cleaned, the sensor should work if this is the problem.

Fixing Problems With Garage Door Sensors

Sensor Moisture

This is one of the most common reasons. This is because many of the sensors are exposed to rain. Under these conditions, it is best to wait. It would help if you waited until the moisture has dried up and then clean the sensor well with soft microfiber.

Sensor Alignment

Sensors with incorrect sensor positioning are not uncommon. Check that the alignment is correct. If there is room for adjustment, make sure the sensors are facing each other.

Sensor Age

If you use the sensor for a long time, the problem will be the wear and tear on the sensor itself. Sometimes the wear is so severe that it is beyond repair. At such moments, you can always think about completely replacing the sensors. 


Even if you do not have any sensor problems, you should check the sensor periodically as a precaution. However, a failure of the garage door sensors can have a significant impact on their operation, your safety, and the integrity of your vehicle. If you’re not sure if your garage door sensor is malfunctioning, it’s worth checking with professionals to make sure it doesn’t get worse. The company 1800 Garage Doors and its team of certified professionals are committed to providing the best service for your garage door and its components, their years of experience can certainly help you.

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How To Change Garage Door Code, 15 Oct 2020 08:45:47 +0000 live in an amazing time, the pace of our life is accelerating, it becomes more comfortable. This applies to all aspects, including driving a car. Automatic garage doors eliminate the need to get out of your car every time you come back or leave your home. These garage doors come with a remote control […]

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We live in an amazing time, the pace of our life is accelerating, it becomes more comfortable. This applies to all aspects, including driving a car. Automatic garage doors eliminate the need to get out of your car every time you come back or leave your home. These garage doors come with a remote control that you can use to open/close your garage door without getting out of your driver’s seat. 

How To Change Garage Door Code

However, while the remote control of your garage door makes your life comfortable, there are also new problems that may arise.

Reasons To Change The Code On Garage Doors

  1. If you moved into a new house, where there are garage doors with a remote control to avoid theft in the future because you never know who had access;
  2. If you suspect that your code may have been compromised or stolen;
  3. For security reasons, it is recommended that you change the code every six months.

Types Of Garage Door Openers

There are two main types of garage door openers.

Garage door openers without a keypadOlder version, controlled only by a remote control, not by a wall keyboard.
Garage door openers with a keypadA new variant of systems is supplied with keyboards, which are installed on the inside of the door, and remote controls.

If you can’t find the one you have, I would recommend that you consult with the installer or check the back of your garage door opener. There should be instructions there.

How To Change The Code In Garage Doors

Resetting the code for a garage door opener depends on which option you have. While resetting a newer garage door opener takes just a few seconds, resetting an older version takes a little longer.

Change The Code On The Garage Door Without A Wall Keyboard

  1. Remove the remote control cover: after removing the cover, you will notice that there are several switches underneath. You use these switches to change the code.
  2. Compare the position of the switches: after examining the switches in detail, compare their position with the code for opening existing garage doors. This will show you how to position the switches for the code.
  3. Reset the switches to a new code.
  4. Get access to the garage door motor attached to the garage roof.
    Then remove the motor cover in the same way that you remove the remote control cover. When you open the lid, you will see a series of switches similar to those you saw on the remote control.
  5. Resetting the switches: Be very careful to move the switches in the same way you moved them on your remote control. The success (or failure) of the whole process depends on this step. So be very careful and cautious.
  6. Check if the remote controls are opening the garage door. If the door does not open, check again the position of the switches to make sure that they match.

Change The Code On The Garage Door With A Wall Keyboard

  1. Access to the garage door engine block located on the roof of your garage. You will be able to find the motor on one of the two sides of the garage doorway.
  2. There must be a “Reset” button on the side of the motor. Press and hold the button on the side of the motor until the light goes out nearby. This will indicate that your door memory is lost and the old code has been erased.
  3. Press the “Reset” button on the engine control panel again. Keep the button pressed until the light comes back to life.
  4. Then go to the wall keyboard and enter the code you have chosen. When you enter it, you will notice that the indicator light will start blinking. This is an indication that the engine has accepted your new code.
  5. Then press and hold the button on the engine until the flashing light starts to blink. Keep pressing the button until the light goes out again.
  6. Press and hold the button on the remote control. You will notice that after a few seconds of waiting the light on the motor will start blinking again. This means that you have successfully reprogrammed the new code on the remote control.
  7. If you have other remote controllers, you should reprogram them too.

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